Fax Solutions
that work for you

Nationwide Local Number 
Choose a new local number anywhere in the US or Canada.
Local Number Portability (LNP) 
Port your existing number from your current provider.
Fax Tone 
Audio projects the familiar CNG tone to sound just like a fax machine.
Unlimited Inbound Faxes 
Keep your service on budget while receiving unlimited faxes at the same simple rate every month.
300 Outbound Faxes Per Month 
With VFax+ you can send more than enough faxes for the light to moderate user. Larger vFax plans are available.
Online Dashboard 
Manage and review your vFax service through an easy-to-use web interface.
Fax Notification 
Know right away when your vFax mailbox has a message. Email notifications include caller ID information and Adobe .PDF attachments.
Store and Forward Fax (SAFe Fax) 
Incoming faxes are first stored locally on the ClarityTel hosted platform and then relayed to a destination.

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